
Notification of public discussions

Notification of public discussions on the object of the state environmental expertise of the project documentation «High Voltage Grids Directorate. Construction of 35 kV overhead transmission line, 35/0.4 kV EPTS, 35/6 kV substation for power supply to the tourist village «Kanchul Bay» on Melkoye Lake2, including preliminary materials of environmental impact assessment.

Contractor: Limited Liability Company «Zatundra»
Legal/actual address: 663302, Russia, Krasnoyarsk Territory,
Norilsk, 33 A Komsomolskaya St., floor 4, room 404 OGRN: 1197746510279
INN: 7734428579
Contact details: phone 8 (495) 995-00-22, email:
Person in charge: Dmitry Gennadyevich Orlov, phone +7(916) 746-96-35, email:

Contractor: Limited Liability Company «Energomost ESC» (LLC «Energomost ESC»).
Legal address: 620050, Sverdlovsk Region, Ekaterinburg, 42 Manevrovaya Str.
Actual address: 620050, Sverdlovsk Region, Ekaterinburg, 42 Manevrovaya Str.
OGRN: 1086671000020.
INN: 6671249389.
Contact details: phone (343) 344-10-50; (343) 344-10-61, email:
Person in charge: ChPrEng Vyacheslav Leonidovich Larichev, phone +7(921) 849-4689, email:

Local government body responsible for public discussions:
Administration of the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky District
Legal/actual address: 647000, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenets Municipal District, Dudinka, 35 Sovetskaya Str.
Contact details: phone: 8(39191)2-84-40, fax: 8 (39191) 2-84-40, email:
Person in charge: Chief Specialist of the Property Management and Disposal Division of the Property Relations Department of the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenets Municipal District Arina Fedorovna Verlan, phone 8(39191)285-52,

Name of planned (proposed) economic and other activities:
«High Voltage Grids Directorate. Construction of 35 kV overhead transmission line, 35/0.4 kV EPTS, 35/6 kV substation for power supply to the tourist village «Kanchul Bay» on Melkoye Lake».

Purpose of planned (proposed) economic and other activities:
Organisation of power supply of the projected tourist village «Kanchul Bay».

Preliminary location of the planned (proposed) economic and other activities:
Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenets Municipal District, on the territory of two municipalities - Norilsk Urban District (Talnakh District), Dudinka Urban Settlement (territory of Melkoye Lake).

Location and timing of accessibility of the object of public discussion:
Project documentation, including preliminary materials on environmental impact assessment will be available for review from 16.05.2023 to 25.06.2023 on the official website of the local government body of the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenets Municipal District (, at the link:, as well as in the Municipal Budgetary Institution of Culture «Dudinka Centralised Library System».

Form of public discussions: public hearings in remote mode in videoconference format.

Timeframe for public discussions: 16.05.2023 - 15.06.2023.

Date, time and place of the public hearing:
On 05.06.2023 at 15:00 local time UTC+7 (GMT+7), in the Municipal Budgetary Institution of Culture «Dudinka Centralised Library System», at the address: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenets Municipal District, Dudinka, 8a Matrosova Str.

In addition, public participation is offered using means of remote interaction, in the format of videoconference. Access of participants is possible on the basis of an application. For participation it is necessary to send an application for participation in public hearings till 04.06.2023 in the following format videoconference by email:, indicating full name, residential address, email address and contact phone number or call 8 (39191) 2-77-49, 8 (39191) 2-77-55.

Submission form for comments and suggestions:
Public comments and suggestions are accepted from 16.05.2023 to 15.06.2023, as well as within 10 days after the end of public discussions from 16.06.2023 to 25.06.2023.

- on paper at the address: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenets Municipal District, Dudinka, 8a Matrosova Str. (Municipal Budgetary Cultural Institution «Dudinka Centralised Library System»).

- electronically by email: (Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenets Municipal District);

- electronically to the following email address: (LLC «ESC Energomost»).

- electronically to the following email address: (LLC «Zatundra»).
2023-05-10 16:00